Connectivity in @sap-cloud-sdk


  • Built-in cache mechanism with useCache in option
  • By default expiration time is 5 mins and no eviction

By default, if we use executeHttpRequest from @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client, the function signature is:

function executeHttpRequest<T extends HttpRequestConfig>(destination: DestinationOrFetchOptions, requestConfig: T, options?: HttpRequestOptions): Promise<HttpResponse>;

The first arg accepts a Destination or DestinationFetchOptions, currently in our system, we always use DestinationFetchOptions.

Before http-client perform request, it will first try to resolve destination by options, the detailed implementation sequential flow looks like below:

destination-accessor.getDestination actually will not call getDestinationFromDestinationService only, in the above diagram it’s just simplified for better understanding, here is the detailed code logic:

async function getDestination(options) {
    const destination = (0, destination_from_env_1.searchEnvVariablesForDestination)(options) ||
        (await (0, destination_from_registration_1.searchRegisteredDestination)(options)) ||
        (await (0, destination_from_vcap_1.searchServiceBindingForDestination)(options)) ||
        (await (0, destination_from_service_1.getDestinationFromDestinationService)(options));
    return destination;

destination-cache underlying is using cache with fixed 5 mins as expiration time, however, please note that the in-memory cache implementation does not support eviction, so it’s important to keep in mind not to cache objects unlimitedly, otherwise it may cause OOM.

Approuter in @sap


  • NO global cache, only user session level cache
  • No option to enable/disable cache for destination in xs-app.json
  • Destination Service in PROD has near half request come from approuter

approuter is using a totally different approach to retrieve destination as above, here is the simplified sequential diagram:

destination-token-middleware.getCacheDestination is getting cached destination from user session, here is the code:

function getCachedDestination(req, key, destinationName){
  let destination = req.session && req.session.user && req.session.user.destinations && req.session.user.destinations[key];
  if (destination && ((destination.destinationConfiguration.authentication === 'BasicAuthentication'
      || destination.destinationConfiguration.authentication === 'NoAuthentication') ||
      (destination.expireDate && destination.expireDate - > 0))){
    const logger  = req.loggingContext.getLogger('/Destination service');'Destination ' + destinationName + ' has been retrieved from cache');
    return destination;
  } else {
    return null;

Despite this, there is no other place in the request flow will cache the destination instance currently, which means each request from different user will result in a call to DestinationService, thus we did a check of backtrace in dynatrace, and found that the result proved the assumption:

BackTrace for DestinationService in DEV:

BackTrace for DestinationService in PROD:

More findings

Approuter supports integrate with HTML5 Application Repository, where we can change routes dynamically in runtime without redeploy approuter to make changes on xs-app.json work, the configuration supports global cache and by default cache expiration time is 5 mins. Detailed logic can be found in dynamic-routing-util, documentation can be found in @sap/approuter -

For schema of xs-app.json we can find from xs-app-schema.json.